
We are happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving teachings on Sengey Tsewa, in London in March 2020.

Sengey Tsewa or "The Revelry with the Lion" is a particular practice of Prajnaparamita. Dakini Machig Labdron offered the teaching of Sengey Tsewa to the Omniscient One - Kunkhyen Pema Karpo (the Fourth Gyalwang Drukpa 1527 - 1592) - through his guru Ava Dhutipa. Ever since then it has been the main practice of many yogis of Tibetan Buddhism. The beneifits of Sengey Tsewa practice can be categorised into two parts :

1. Through the practice of non-attachment (Shunyata) towards one's own body, one will be able to free oneself from sufferings such as diseases and unwanted incidents, and accumulate merits to eventually attain the form of Buddha (Rupakaya)

2. Through the practice of non-attachment (Shunyata) towards one's own conceptual thoughts, one will be liberated from the mental distractions and eventually attain the full realisation (Dharmakaya) of complete omniscience (Wisdom of Buddha).

His Holiness the Twelfth Gyalwang Drukpa


All are welcome to attend these teachings

Programme :

Saturday March 7th, 2.30 to 6.30 pm - Sengey Tsewa teachings and practice

Sunday March 8th, 10.30 am to 1 pm - Continuation of Sengey Tsewa teachings and practice

Sunday March 8th 2.30 to 6.00 pm - Sengey Tsewa practice with tsok


The City College, University House, 55 East Road, London N1 6AH.

The nearest underground station is Old Street on the Northern Line. Follow the signs to Subway 1 then take the set of steps on the left, which brings you out into City Road,  Walk up City Road for about 100 yards and at the traffic lights bear to your right, where East Road begins. Keep walking for another 200 yards and you will see the City College on the other side of the road . We are meeting in the common room on the 2nd floor.

Please note that there is no lift in the building.

To bring:

A cushion if you prefer to sit on the floor (there are plenty of chairs available).

Sengey Tsewa and Rosary of Jewels texts if you have them - copies of the Sengey Tsewa text will be available for purchase at the venue, price £12. Please also bring your bell and damaru if you have them.


Saturday £15, Sunday £20, whole weekend £30 - payable at the door

We look forward to seeing you there

with best wishes







We are happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving teachings in London in September 2019 on the new Riwo Sang Tcheu text.

Riwo Sang Tcheu literally means Smoke Offering in the Mountain and is a powerful practice of Guru Rinpoche for purification and the removal of obstacles. The teachings are open to all

Programme :

Saturday September 14th, 2.30 to 6.30 pm - Riwo Sang Tcheu Teachings and practice

Sunday September 15th, 10.30 am to 1 pm - Riwo Sang Tcheu Teachings and practice

Sunday September 15th, 2.30 to 6.00 pm - Riwo Sang Tcheu Teachings and practice


We are meeting at The City College, University House, 55 East Road, London N1 6AH. The nearest underground station is Old Street. Follow the signs to Subway 1 then take the set of steps on the left, which brings you out into City Road, Walk up City Road for about 100 yards and at the traffic lights bear to your right, where East Road begins. Keep walking for another 200 yards and you will see the City College on the other side of the road . We are meeting in room 38 on the 3rd floor.

Please note that there is no lift in the building.

To bring:

A cushion if you prefer to sit on the floor (there are plenty of chairs available).

Rosary of Jewels text if you have it - some copies will be available at the venue


Saturday £20, Sunday £20, whole weekend £35 - payable at the door

Look forward to seeing you there

with best wishes



Sunday, 30 September 2018 15:39

P'owa Teaching by Venerable Drubpon Ngawang

We are happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving teachings in London next weekend - October 6th and 7th.

Programme :

Saturday October 6th, 2.30 to 6.30 pm - P'owa Teachings and practice

Sunday October 7th, 10.30 am to 1 pm - P'owa teachings and practice

Sunday October 7th, 2.30 to 6.00 pm - Amitabha Tsok


We are meeting at The City College, University House, 55 East Road, London N1 6AH. The nearest underground station is Old Street. Follow the signs to Subway 1 then take the set of steps on the left, which brings you out into City Road, Walk up City Road for about 100 yards and at the traffic lights bear to your right, where East Road begins. Keep walking for another 200 yards and you will see the City College on the other side of the road . We are meeting in room 38 on the 3rd floor.

Please note that there is no lift in the building - if you require assistance with the stairs please contact us in advance and we will try to provide somebody to help.

To bring:

A cushion if you prefer to sit on the floor (there are plenty of chairs available).

Rosary of Jewels and P'owa texts if you have them - copies will be available at the venue


Saturday £15, Sunday £20, whole weekend £30 - payable at the door

Financial donations towards the Tsok are welcome

Look forward to seeing you there

with best wishes



Guru Drakpo Kilaya is one of the wrathful manifestations of Guru Padmasambhava and this practice overcomes obstacles and serious illnesses.

Programme :

Saturday April 7th, 2.30 to 6.30 pm - Guru Drakpo Kilaya Teachings and practice

Sunday April 8th, 10.30 am to 1 pm - Guru Drakpo Kilaya Teachings and practice

Sunday April 8th, 2.30 to 5.00 pm - Guru Drakpo Kilaya Tsok


We are meeting at The City College, University House, 55 East Road, London N1 6AH. The nearest underground station is Old Street. Follow the signs to Subway 1 then take the set of steps on the left, which brings you out into City Road,  Walk up City Road for about 100 yards and at the traffic lights bear to your right, where East Road begins. Keep walking for another 200 yards and you will see the City College on the other side of the road . We are meeting in room 38 on the 3rd floor.

Please note that there is no lift in the building - if you require assistance with the stairs please contact us in advance and we will try to provide somebody to help.


To bring:

A cushion if you prefer to sit on the floor (there are plenty of chairs available).

Rosary of Jewels and Guru Drakpo Kilaya texts if you have them - copies will be available at the venue


Saturday £15, Sunday £20, whole weekend £30 - payable at the door

Donations towards the Tsok are welcome

Look forward to seeing you there

Monday, 11 September 2017 20:33

Prayers for the swift return of Bairo Rinpoche

We request all followers and friends of the Drukpa Order to join in continuous prayers for the swift rebirth of His Eminence Zhichen Bairo Rinpoche, the beloved father of His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa

We are happy to announce that His Eminence Kyabje Thuksey Rinpoche will be coming to London in February 2017

Born in Ladakh in 1986, His Eminence Kyabje Thuksey Rinpoche was recognised by H.H. 14th Dalai Lama and H.H. 12th Gyalwang Drukpa as the reincarnation of the first Kyabje Thuksey Rinpoche – a prominent figure in Himalayan Buddhism during the last century. After his exile from Tibet, he ensured the continuity, legacy and teaching of the Drukpa School of Buddhism, establishing one of its main monasteries, Druk Thubten Sangag Choeling, in Darjeeling India.

His Eminence Thuksey Rinpoche spent most of his childhood in this monastery before continuing his education for nine years at the prestigious Tango University in Bhutan. An accomplished meditation master, His Eminence has taken on many responsibilities including the management of the monastery in Darjeeling, the Druk Pema Karpo School - an award-winning educational project in Ladakh, and the Drukpa centres of Buddhist studies and meditation in Europe. He is an articulate advocate of compassion in action, having also set up an animal sanctuary in the Himalayas.

His Eminence is part of the young generation of spiritual Masters who bring a contemporary and modern approach to Buddhism and spirituality. He speaks fluent English and is able to teach from a depth of realisation, communicating the essence of spiritual teachings in an engaging manner.

Programme :

Friday February 3rd, 7 pm to 9 pm

Helping Ourselves To Compassion: Practical Strategies For A Better World

Public Talk at Asia House, 63 New Cavendish St, Marylebone, London W1G 7LP

Click here to book

Sunday February 5th, 10 am to 6 pm

Chenrezig Teaching and Initiation
Rigpa London Centre,
330 Caledonian Rd, London N1 1BB

Click here to book

We look forward to seeing many of you at these events

With best wishes

Drukpa UK

Sunday, 13 March 2016 20:34

Naropa 2016


Once every twelve years, in the fifth lunar month of the Monkey year, half a million people from across the Himalayas gather in Ladakh, India, to celebrate Naropa’s life in one of the largest events of the decade. Also known as the “Kumbh Mela of Himalayas,” this month-long festival includes several rare cultural events that are believed to grant spiritual liberation upon sight. This includes the ceremonial unfurling of one of the greatest regional treasures – an ancient silk embroidery of Guru Padmasambhava that stretches to several stories in height, a beloved devotional art piece which is only ever displayed to public audiences during the Naropa festivities.

The Naropa events also mark the largest assembly of Drukpa masters and includes cultural performances by prominent Himalayan artists representing the wider Drukpa community. The culminating event is the display of the famed sacred Six Bone Ornaments belonging to Naropa, the 11th century Indian saint, by His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa, head of the Drukpa Order. The Six Bone Ornaments are amongst the holiest treasures of the Himalayas, and are the symbolic origin of many of the foundational practices of Himalayan Buddhism.

The Naropa events are considered unmissable by the hundreds of thousands who attend.

For further information please visit

In accordance with the wishes of His Holiness, Drubpön Ngawang, His representative in Europe, is organising a group tour to Ladakh to celebrate Naropa 2016. Drukpa UK is happy to assist with the registration for this - please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information and booking form 

A major aftershock with magnitude 6.7 just occurred less than an hour ago. Please join hands to recite "Praise to 21 Taras" for Nepal, for the victims, survivors and their families. ~ Request by His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa on 26th April 2015

Listen to Praise to 21 Taras here

We have been very fortunate to have His Holiness's nun Khenmo Tingdzin staying with us in London for a few months. During her stay His Holiness has requested her to teach us in detail on the various practices - mudras, visualisations, melodies etc

Khenmo will be coming to Canterbury on Sunday 1st Feb 2:30 - 5:30 to talk about Compassion and the practice of Chenrezig.

The event will be at

Concorde House Clinic,
26a Stour Street
Canterbury CT1 2NZ

Globalisation, the development of the virtual world, instant and plentiful methods of communication have paradoxically isolated us from each other and call for more humanisation.

One needs to develop benevolence towards oneself and others, to be able to listen to, and be open to others. Clear understanding is required for empathy and compassion to exist.

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