
Sengey Tsewa is a practice of Prajna Paramita (the practice of Wisdom). Dakini Machig Labdron offered the teaching of Sengey Tsewa (The Revelry with the Lion) to the Great Omniscient Kunkhyen Pema Karpo (the Fourth Gyalwang Drukpa 1527-1592) through his master Awa Dhutipa. Ever since then, it has been the main practice of many historical yogis of Vajrayana Buddhism.

Monday, 15 December 2014 12:24

6th Annual Drukpa Council

As taught by His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa, the entire practice of Buddhism is to inspire the practitioners to open their hearts so that the blessing/understanding will be there without any obstacle or difficulty.  The focus of teachings and practices such as chanting, spiritual dances, spiritual yoga, recitations, pujas, etc. is to inspire us to achieve an understanding mind, which also known as the Mind or Heart of Enlightenment. 

We are happy to announce that His Eminence Kyabje Thuksey Rinpoche will be visiting London in January 2015.

The previous Thuksey Rinpoche was the first guru of His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa and we are especially delighted to welcome His Eminence now on the occasion of his first visit to the UK.

Saturday, 25 October 2014 19:40

Programme with Khenmo Tingdzin

We are very fortunate to have His Holiness's nun Khenmo Tingdzin staying with us in London for a few months. During her stay His Holiness has requested her to teach us in detail on the various practices - mudras, visualisations, melodies etc

Please see calendar for dates

We are delighted to welcome five of His Holiness's nuns to our centre in September for a programme of teachings and practice. The nuns are accompanying His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa on his European tour and have kindly agreed to give teachings and conduct pujas at our centre. The Venerable Drubpon Ngawang is also coming with the the nuns and will join us for the programme. 

Friday, 01 August 2014 15:07

Happiness is a State of Mind

Book Launch Event with His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa in September

Live to Love UK is delighted to welcome His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa to London for the official launch of ‘Happiness is a State of Mind’.  Please join us in celebrating the publication of his second book.
Thursday, 31 July 2014 20:45

2014 Eco Pad Yatra For Peace

Connect & Reconnect

In the daily motion of our life, we whisk through details and take quick chances, without paying attention to the environment and the beings around us. We need to give our restless mind a break. While a car can take you kilometres an hour to a physical destination, your feet can take you much closer to your home at heart.

Sunday, 02 February 2014 15:25

Losar Programme at London Centre

'From Emma to Pema: becoming a Buddhist nun in the Bhutanese Tradition'

Presentation and slideshow by Ani Pema Deki

2 pm at the London Drukpa Centre

followed at 4 pm with

YANGTI tsok practice

Sunday, 26 January 2014 18:14

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry refers to the universal mathematical and symbolic patterns that are found naturally in nature, in the planets, within our own being, and reproduced within all religious arts. The action of drawing these patterns reconnects us with the primordial universal order, thus enabling a harmonious interdependence within one’s being and with the Universe. The action of colouring these patterns increases the joy and flow of creativity.

Saturday, 25 January 2014 19:40

8-week Mindfulness Course starting in June

Learn stress reduction through mindfulness practice in daily life.

Mindfulness is a way of living more fully in the present moment,  of being deeply attuned to yourself, other people, and the environment, thus enabling a happier and more peaceful life.

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course  includes self-inquiry into your experience of mindfulness, the scientifically proven benefits of mindfulness practice, learning to meditate, and methods for increasing daily mindfulness which help to reduce stress

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