Teachings with the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang
Aspiring to the Seven Qualities of Virtuous Practice
Text by the first Gyalwang Drukpa,Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorji
We are pleased to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving teachings in London on the weekend of Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March 2025 on the text 'Aspiring to the Seven Qualities of Virtuous Practice' composed by the founder of the Drukpa Lineage and the first Gyalwang Drukpa, the Lord of DharmaTsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorji
The teachings will take place again at The Skylight Centre, 49 Corsica Street, London N5 1JT (10 minutes walk from Highbury and Islington station) and will run from 10.30 am to 5.30 pm each day.
The price is £25 per day or £40 for the whole weekend, payable at the door (advance booking is not necessary)
The main text will be on sale on the day price £13.50. Please bring your Rosary of Jewels and Guru Yoga texts if you have them as there will only be a limited number of these texts available on the day
We are really happy that Drubpon Ngawang is able to visit us again in person this year and we hope that many of you can attend this precious teaching
With best wishes
Drukpa UK
Lopon Jigme Tingdzin
Lopon Jigme Tingdzin is a Buddhist teacher from Ladakh, Himalayas, and one of the few indigenous female teachers of Buddhism. She became a nun when she was 14 years old and has been a nun for more than 20 years now. Gyalwang Drukpa gave Jigme Tingdzin the title "Lopön" in recognition of her accomplishments and scholarship following intensive training - Lopön means that she is a teacher who has mastered all branches of Buddhist philosophy. Her teaching style is filled with warmth, depth, wisdom, and humour
Upcoming teachings with Venerable Drubpon Ngawang
We are pleased to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving teachings in London on the weekend of Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th March 2024
The teachings will take place again at The Skylight Centre, 49 Corsica Street, London N5 1JT (10 minutes walk from Highbury and Islington station) and will run from 10.30 am to 5 pm each day.
Full details of the programme will be available nearer to the date
We are really happy that Drubpon Ngawang is able to visit us again in person this year and we hope that many of you can attend this precious teaching
With best wishes
Drukpa UK
Sengey Tsewa teachings with Venerable Drubpon Ngawang
We are happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving teachings on Sengey Tsewa in London during the weekend of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th March 2023
The teachings will take place at The Skylight Centre, 49 Corsica Street, London N5 1JT (10 minutes walk from Highbury and Islington station) and will run from 10.30 am to 5.30 pm each day, with a lunch break from approximately 12.30 to 2 pm each day, plus an afternoon tea break
Sengey Tsewa or "The Revelry with the Lion" is a particular practice of Prajnaparamita (transcendenatl wisdom). Dakini Machig Labdron offered the teaching of Sengey Tsewa to the Ominiscient One, Kunkhyen Pema Karpo (the Fourth Gyalwang Drukpa, 1527 - 1592) through his guru Ava Dhutipa. Ever since then it has been the main pracftice of many yogis of Tibetan Buddhism.
Please bring your damaru and bell along plus your Sengey Tsewa and Rosary of Jewels texts if you have them - texts can also be purchased at the venue. Cushions and chairs are available for sitting.
The cost is £20 per day or £35 for both days - please bring cash or cheque as cards are not accepted
We are really happy that Drubpon Ngawang is able to visit us again in person and we hope that many of you can attend this precious teaching
Mini retreat in London with Lopon Jigme Tingdzin Zangmo, December 18th - 23rd
Lopon Jigme Tingdzin Zangmo is an eminent Drukpa nun from Ladakh, India and is one of the few indigenous female teachers of Buddhism. She took her ordination vows at the age of 14 and has been a nun for over 20 years. His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa gave Jigme Tingdzin the title of Lopon in recognition of her accomplishments and scholarship following intensive training. Lopon in Tibetan means a teacher who has mastered all branches of Buddhist philosophy. Her teaching style is filled with warmth, depth, wisdom and humour.
We are honoured to welcome Lopon Jigme Tingdzin to the UK and have pleasure in announcing the following programme during her visit
Sunday December 18th - 25th lunar day (Dakini day):
Venue: Room Benjamin Lay 2, Friends House, 173 - 177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ (opposite Euston station)
When you arrive at Friends House take the lift or stairs to room Benjamin Lay 2 which is on the second floor - it will be signposted for Drukpa UK
10.30 - 12 noon: Riwo Sang Tcheu practice (doors will be open from 10.15 for registration)
12 - 1pm - break
1 - 3 pm - Sengey Tsewa practice
3.30 - 4.30 pm - Q & A
Please bring a cushion if you want to sit on the floor otherwise chairs are available, also bring your bell and damaru (large and small) plus your Riwo Sang Tcheu and Sengey Tsewa texts (a limted number of texts will be available at the venue)
Cost: £15
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE ANY OF OUR OWN FOOD OR DRINK INTO FRIENDS HOUSE but there are plenty of cafes nearby we can use in the breaks - unfortunately for us the cafe in Friends House is not open on Sundays. There are also extensive grounds around Friends house where you can eat outside, weather permitting! Complementary water will be available on arrival for everyone. Burning of incense and candles is also not permitted
Monday December 19th to Friday December 23rd
Venue: The Skylight Centre, 49 Corsica Street, London N5 1JT (5 minutes walk from Highbury and Islington station)
Teachings and practice of The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, text by Thogme Zangpo, plus Guru Yoga (small text)
Start 10.30 am each day and finish between 5 and 6 pm, lunch break approximately 12.30 to 2 pm
Cost: £10 per day
Friday December 23rd - 30th lunar day
7 to 9 pm - Amitabha tsok practice (same venue)
Cost: £5 for the vening
Cushions and chairs are available for everyone at the Skylight centre and food and drink are permitted - we also have the use of a small kitchen area for hot drinks
Advance registration is not required for any of the above but it would be helpful to know if you are planning to attend Friends House on Sunday 18th so we can arrange the space accordingly
We really hope that many of you will be able to participate
best wishes
Drukpa UK
Amitabha retreat with Venerable Drubpon Ngawang
Drukpa UK is happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving a two-day retreat on Amitabha (via Zoom) on the weekend of Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September.
Amitabha, Buddha of infinite light, is red in colour and resides in the pure land of Great Bliss, Dewachen. To take rebirth in Dewachen is relatively easy for us. We will follow the text composed by Drubwang Shakya Shri, entitled 'The Wheel of the Practice Chariot of the Great Bliss Pure Land'. A link to download an english version of the text will be sent out soon.
There will be two sessions each day, from 9.30 to 11.30 am and from 2 to 4 pm, UK time. Once again we are fortunate that Tsunma Ngawang Jinpa will translate the teachings into english
The costs of the teachings is £12.50 for a single day or £20 for the weekend.
Please follow this link to book.
Booking will close on Friday September 23rd at 12 noon and the Zoom links will be sent out by email shortly after that. After the retreat we will also send out links to the recordings of the teachings to all registrants
We look forward to being online together for this special event
With best wishes
Drukpa UK
Chenrezig retreat with Venerable Drubpon Ngawang
We are happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be holding a two-day retreat on Chenrezig (via Zoom) on the weekend of Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th March. White in colour, Chenrezig embodies the activity of compassion of all the Buddhas. We will follow the text composed by Drubwang Shakya Shri, entitled 'The Sadhana of the Great Bodhisattva, the Noble and Sublime, called The Bindu of the Most Profound Essence'. A link to download an english version of the text will be sent out soon. This retreat is especially recommended for beginners. There will be two sessions each day, from 9.30 to 11.30 am and from 2 to 4 pm. Once again we are fortunate that Tsunma Ngawang Jinpa will be acting as translator for the retreat The costs of the teachings is £12.50 for a single day or £20 for the weekend. Please follow this link to book. Booking will close on Friday March 18th at 12 noon and the Zoom links will be sent out by email shortly after that We look forward to being online together for this special event With best wishes Drukpa UK |
Guru Yoga teaching via Zoom with Venerable Drubpon Ngawang
We are happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving a two-day teaching on Guru Yoga (via Zoom) next weekend, on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September.
There will be two sessions each day, starting at 9.30 am and 2 pm and each session will last two hours. We are also fortunate that Tsunma Ngawang Jinpa will be acting as translator on this occasion
The costs of the teachings is £12.50 for a single day or £20 for the weekend.
Please follow this link to book.
Booking will close on Friday Septemebr 10th at 12 noon and the Zoom links will be sent out by email shortly after that
These teachings are open to all regardless of your level of experience of Buddhism. Many of us will have become more familiar with Drubpon Ngawang's teachings over the last 18 months by following the regular live streamings from the Drukpa Plouray facebook page. These teachings have covered a vast range of topics relating to Buddhism, including the history of the Drukpa Lineage, the essential points of Vajrayana practice, as well as fundamental Buddhist teachings such as the Four Noble Truths. Many of these teachings can also be found on YouTube
Based on a summarised preliminary practice this short Guru Yoga practice has been composed by His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa for his western students. Guru Yoga is considered to be highest, most profound practice by allowing us to realise the union of our perfectly pure mind with the Enlightened mind of the Master
Please click here to purchase the Preliminary Practice of Guru Yoga text
We look forward to being online together for this special event
With best wishes
Drukpa UK
The Breathing Technique for the Purification of Ignorance
In accordance with a long-standing project and wish of Drubpön Ngawang Tenzin Pagsam Yongdu, Representative of His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa in Europe, this booklet on the breathing technique for the purification of ignorance was made possible thanks to the text of Lopeun Meunlam Rabzang following the oral instructions of the incomparable Glorious Drukpa Lineage, condensed by Drubpön La.
Price £8 - including first class Royal Mail postage within the UK
Medicine Buddha Text
The Menla Ritual, “The River of Lapis-Lazuli”
The Ornament extracted from the Treasure of the
Clear Spaciousness of the Mind
PDF only - price £6
Medicine Buddha teaching via Zoom with Venerable Drubpon Ngawang
We are happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving a two-day teaching on Medicine Buddha (via Zoom) on the weekend of Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th March.
There will be two sessions each day, starting at 9.30 am and 2 pm and each session will last two hours. We are also fortunate that Tsunma Ngawang Jinpa will be acting as translator on this occasion
The costs of the teachings is £12.50 for a single day or £20 for the weekend.
Please follow this link to book.
Booking will close on Friday March 12th at 12 noon and the Zoom links will be sent out by email shortly after that
These teachings are open to all regardless of your level of experience of Buddhism. Many of us will have become more familiar with Drubpon Ngawang's teachings over this year by following the regular live streamings from the Drukpa Plouray facebook page. These teachings have covered a vast range of topics relating to Buddhism, including the history of the Drukpa Lineage, the essential points of Vajrayana practice, as well as fundamental Buddhist teachings such as the Four Noble Truths. Many of these teachings can also be found on YouTube
All of us have many illnesses and in order to heal these illnesses and get the appropriate medicine it is recommended to pray to Sangye Menla (Medicine Buddha). This practice is especially recommended in the current global pandemic.
A link to download an english version of the text will be sent out soon.
We look forward to being online together for this special event
With best wishes
Drukpa UK
Guru Drakpo Kilaya text in English
Price: £10 including 1st class Royal Mail postage to anywhere in the UK - contact us for postage costs to other locations
Guru Dewa text
This particular practice of Guru Dewa comes from a mind treasure of Drubwang Shakya Shri. Shakya Shri transferred the practice to Lama Sonam Zangpo from Bhutan, who transmitted it to Gyeltsen Tulku Rinpoche
Price: £10 including 1st class Royal Mail postage to anywhere in the UK - contact us for postage costs to other locations
Zoom teaching with Venerable Drubpon Ngawang
We are happy to announce that the Venerable Drubpon Ngawang will be giving a two-day teaching via Zoom on the weekend of Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September.
The teachings will be based on the Guru Dewa text and will cover some of the fundamental aspects of Buddhist philosophy, as well as explanations on the generation and completion stages of Vajrayana Buddhism,
There will be two sessions each day, starting at 10 am and 2 pm and each session will last two hours. We are also fortunate that Tsunma Ngawang Jinpa will be acting as translator on this occasion
The costs of the teachings is £12.50 for a single day or £20 for the weekend.
Please follow this link to book.
Booking will close on Friday September 25th at 12 noon and the Zoom links will be sent out by email shortly after that
These teachings are open to all regardless of your level of experience of Buddhism. Many of us will have become more familiar with Drubpon Ngawang's teachings over these last few months by following the regular live streamings from the Drukpa Plouray facebook page. These teachings have covered a vast range of topics, including the history of the Drukpa Lineage, the essential points of Vajrayana practice, as well as fundamental Buddhist teachings such as the Four Noble Truths. Many of these teachings can also be found on YouTube
Guru Dewa refers to the great bliss, the realisation of emptiness and also the pure land of Guru Padmasambhava. A pdf of the Guru Dewa text, which is entitled The Essential Heart Drop, can be obtained from the Druk Nangsel online shop and printed copies can be purchased via the Drukpa UK website
We look forward to being online together for this special event
With best wishes
Drukpa UK