This erudite great Master of the Drukpa lineage is well-known as one of the most important scholars of Tibetan Buddhism. By sharing His experiences and knowledge through a dynamic and lively teaching style as well as His compassion and His wisdom, He helps the greatest number of beings on the path to liberation.

It is at the request of His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa that Khenpo Sonam Gyatso Rinpoche comes to offer His immense knowledge to students at Drukpa centres in Europe. We must appreciate how fortunate we are to welcome the visit of such a great Master in philosophy and take advantage of this excellent occasion to study and instruct ourselves in the light of His profound teachings.

Sunday, 23 October 2011 16:07

Live Webcast of Throma Nagmo Retreat

Click here for live webcast of Throma Nagmo retreat with His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa and His Eminence Kyabje Khamtrul Rinpoche, broadcast live from Kathmandu, from October 18th to 25th. Video on demand of previous sessions also available.

Click here for information and how to register the forthcoming Retreat and Birthday Celebrations in Nepal

Drukpa UK is delighted to be one of the 108 sponsors of the Vajra Wheel project which has been recently launched by His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa. This is a wonderful opportunity for us all to participate in this extremely auspicious project If you would like to contribute towards the $10,000 (aproximately £6,000) required to meet our target please use this link to make an online donation (via paypal).

If you would like to send a donation by cheque please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Many thanks for your kind support

Letter from Drubpon Ngawang, March 8th 2011

Dear Friends,

In accordance with the wish of His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa, the Third Council of the Drupka Lineage will take place this year from August 20th to 29th at Shey (Ladakh) at Naropa Palace, very near Druk White Lotus school.

Ladakh, also called “Little Tibet” is a land that is particularly blessed by the presence of numerous Great Drukpa Masters of the past who went there from Tibet, such as the great yogi Taktsang Repa who founded Hemis Monastery, Gyalwa Gotsangpa, as well as the incarnations of the 7th and 8th Gyalwang Drukpa.

Sunday, 12 December 2010 22:12

Drukpa UK at Primrose Hill Fair

On November 28th we took a stall at Primrose Hill Fair to promote our centre and activities. In spite of the cold weather we had lots of of interest from the local community.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010 19:24

Tree Planting In Ladakh

10.10.10 or 10th October 2010, a day occuring once in every thousand years, was a day to remember by most Ladakhis and the international volunteers. A Guinness World Record (GWR) for "Most Trees Planted Simultaneously" was broken or rather, a new record was set! The feat was achieved in half the stipulated time by 9,313 people who came from villages across Ladakh, and different religious and cultural backgrounds. We broke the record set in Peru earlier this year, where 27,166 saplings had been planted by 8,000 participants in an hour.

Sunday, 10 October 2010 20:02

Special Shabten Practice This Week

All this week we willl be running special Shabten (Long Life prayer) sessions at the London centre to coincide with the Long Life ceremonies for His Holiness the Gyawang Drukpa, which are taking place in Darjeeling (see calendar on the right for details).

Here is an excerpt from His Eminence Khamtrul Rinpoche's instruction on the importance of Shabten practice (from :

'As some of you may already know or have heard, from a traditional Tibetan viewpoint, the next 4 years are considered ‘obstacle’ years for His Holiness from the astrological point of view. Though Buddha himself like His Holiness are beyond the dualistic concepts of obstacles it is extremely important for us lay devotees, as well as nuns and monks living in the samsara with dualistic concepts to perform spiritual activities dedicated for the longevity of His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa. These merits should also be dedicated for His Holiness Je Khenpo Jigme Choedra, His Eminence Bairo Rinpoche and Mayoumla and for all the great masters whose mere presence, if prolonged for even a second, can greatly benefit numerous seen and unseen beings'.

We hope that many of you will be able to attend but if this is not possible you can submit your accumulations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - see for details on how to practice Shabten.

(organised by Drukpa Hong Kong)

Live to Love (L2L) kicked off its Tree Planting Drive on September 12, 2010 for a greener Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010, when monks, nuns and members of the Young Drukpa Association of the Drukpa Lineage planted 1,016 trees near the Hemis monastery in Ladakh. The number 1,016 was chosen as it marks the birth year of Drukpa lineage's Indian guru, Naropa, as a support to Live to Love initiatives. Honorable Minister of Communiciation and Information Technology Shri Sachin Pilot and delegates from the Commonwealth Games were present to officiate the event.

This Tree Planting Drive will culminate during the Commonwealth Games 2010 when, on October 10, 2010, L2L will launch another bigger scale tree planting in Ladakh with an attempt to set a world record of planting the maximum number of trees in an hour.

Please visit;news/id/388 to find out how you can participate.

Saturday, 25 September 2010 18:49

The Sikkim Eco Pad Yatra, December 2010

Kanchenjunga, the 3rd highest mountain in the world

Join the walking pilgrimage to visit the holy sites in Sikkim, blessed by Guru Padmasambhava, and celebrate Christmas with His Holiness and his spiritual entourage with strikingly beautiful valleys, passes and villages as backdrops. Just like the ancient times when the Buddha walked with his disciples and taught them through his physical actions and verbal expressions, His Holiness and his spiritual sons and daughters will help us relive the ancient traditions of spirituality as well as connect this ancient wisdom with our modern life. 

For full details and registration please visit 

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